guide for submissions:
*Papers prepared in the prescribed format are to be submitted. The papers should be written in English and clearly state the title, objective, method, results, and conclusion with major keywords. All papers submitted will be checked for plagiarism.
*Author names and their affiliations should be removed from the initial PDF file for the double blind review process. After receiving, the full paper will be peer-reviewed and its acceptance will be notified. Only papers presenting original content with novel research results or successful innovative applications will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings.
*The paper should be original work of the author(s), and no portion of the paper (including, but not limited to, graphics and figures) has been previously published. The paper is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
*The authors listed on the paper accurately reflect those who actually did the work and contributed to the paper in a meaningful way, and they have identified and acknowledged all sources used in the creation of their paper or manuscript, including any graphics, images, tables, and figures.